Science Foundation Ireland

Pervasive Nation nominated for ISA award

ISA Awards 2016

CONNECT’s Pervasive Nation has been nominated for the Outstanding Academic Achievement of the Year at the Irish Software Association Awards 2016. Pervasive Nation was nominated by Trinity College Dublin having demonstrated a high level of innovation and a strong engagement with industry.

Recognised as the most coveted Award ceremony within the Irish technology sector, the ISA Awards ceremony takes place at the Mansion House on Friday, 25 November 2016.

The Outstanding Academic Achievement in the field of Digital Technology Award recognises an academic institution, academic department or individual for outstanding contribution to the software sector.

Congratulations to the Pervasive Nation team!


CONNECT is the world leading Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Future Networks and Communications. CONNECT is funded under the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centres Programme and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund. We engage with over 35 companies including large multinationals, SMEs and start-ups. CONNECT brings together world-class expertise from ten Irish academic institutes to create a one-stop-shop for telecommunications research, development and innovation.

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