Science Foundation Ireland

VMware’s Sven van de Meer on building the Multi-Cloud Services Grid

Dr Sven van der Meer, Lead Architect Distributed System at VMware, recently spoke to the CONNECT team about VMware’s work building the Multi-Cloud Services Grid.

The full talk can be accessed below:


Talk Synopsis
We are taking the first step towards the implementation of an edge-to-cloud continuum by building a Multi-Cloud Services Grid (MCSG). MCSG is a multi-cloud framework that enables intent-driven service creation and consumption with continuous optimization of underlying resources. And it does so by leveraging Kubernetes based control plane to stitch distributed modern applications with resources that may span across the central cloud, the near edge (e.g. metro data centers) and the far edge (e.g. micro data centres), and in turn may be owned and operated by their respective public and private cloud platforms. The MCSG is a joint collaboration of VMware and Vapor IO, and is baselined on a software substrate formed with integration of VMware Telco Cloud Platform with Vapor IO’s Kinetic Grid platform. The MCSG is also our contribution to the Open Grid Alliance (OGA).

In this talk, we will explore what the Grid does as this this its most important property. We will hint on what the Grid is and how it is build from one viewpoint. We will also discuss a use case that covers a few more important Grid requirements and properties, here supporting rescue services.

Sven van der Meer is a lecturer, scientist, researcher, software engineer, and consultant with a Dipl.-Inform. (M.Sc., 1996) and a Dr.-Ing. (PhD, 2002) from the Berlin Institute of Technology (TUB). He worked in TUB, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Waterford Institute of Technology, and the Ericsson Network Management Lab. Since 2020 he is a research engineer in VMware, currently the lead architect for distributed systems in the distributed edge group in the office of the CTO. This group is building an open grid with a vision for 2030, for VMware and in Open Grid Alliance (OGA). Sven led and contributed to over 20 German, Irish, and European projects. He co-authored more than 100 peer-reviewed publications and five patents, and contributed to standards (OMG, TM Forum, ISO, 3GPP, IEEE, IETF) and FOSS (namely APEX in ONAP). Sven is an active member of IEEE CNOM (TPCs and OCs for IM, NOMS, CNSM). He also supervised more than 50 M.Sc. and PhD students. Sven’s main research interest are autonomic management, automation of network operations, and recursive network architectures.

CONNECT is the world leading Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Future Networks and Communications. CONNECT is funded under the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centres Programme and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund. We engage with over 35 companies including large multinationals, SMEs and start-ups. CONNECT brings together world-class expertise from ten Irish academic institutes to create a one-stop-shop for telecommunications research, development and innovation.

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