Dr. Aidan Quinn is Head of the Nanotechnology Group at the Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland. The group’s research programme includes development of chemical synthesis, molecular self-assembly and agile processing routes for scalable fabrication and integration of nanostructures and electrodes. Applications include nanoscale sensing and energy storage, novel graphene-based transparent electrodes and resistive memories. He has published over 60 papers in leading peer-reviewed journals and has filed two patent applications.
Aidan has extensive experience in national and international research initiatives. He has participated in research projects within the EU Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Framework Programmes’ Esprit, Marie Curie, IST, IHP, ICT, NMP, Environment and Security actions. Within FP7, Aidan coordinated the FP7 NMP project FUNMOL, and currently co-ordinates the Environment project ECO-India and the Security project ROSFEN. Nationally, he has participated in the Irish Government Higher Education Authority PRTLI Cycles 1, 3, 4 & 5 Initiatives and currently leads the PRLTI-5 TYFFANI programme. He was an investigator in Science Foundation Ireland’s Research Frontiers Programme, a co-investigator in the FORME Strategic Research Cluster and is a Principal investigator in CONNECT, the SFI research centre for Future Networks and Communications. He co-wrote the successful proposal for the Tyndall-led Technology Centre, the Collaborative Centre in Applied Nanotechnology (CCAN).
Aidan has acted as a consultant on future research directions in Nanotechnology in Ireland, both as a member of the ICSTI Nanotechnology Task Force and a panel member of the Forfás NanoIreland Technology Assessment Exercise.
He lectures (part-time) to undergraduates and postgraduates in the Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Physics departments at UCC on Nanoelectronics (UE6005) and Computational Physics (PY2105), respectively. He has acted as external examiner for PhD candidates in Ireland, the Netherlands and Sweden and has delivered invited tutorial presentations at postgraduate summer schools in Italy and the United Kingdom.
Aidan is a member of the Institute of Physics, the American Physical Society, the American Vacuum Society and the Materials Research Society. He has acted as a reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals, including Advanced Materials, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology and Small.
Principal Investigator Tyndall National Institute Low Energy