Science Foundation Ireland

Our People

Prince Anandarajah

Funded Investigator

Dr Prince Anandarajah received the BEng (Electronic Engineering) degree from University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 1992.

Subsequently, he worked as an Instructor/Maintenance Engineer at the Nigerian College of Aviation Technology. He came to Ireland where he completed a MEng (1998) at DCU and then joined the Radio and Optical Communications Group also at DCU where he obtained his PhD degree (2003). He then worked as a research fellow and research officer until 2007 when he was appointed a senior research fellow. He is currently a lecturer in the School of Electronic Engineering at DCU, a principal investigator for Science Foundation Ireland and Enterprise Ireland, and a director of the Photonics Systems and Sensing Laboratory (PSSL).

His main research interests include elastic optical networks, photonic sensing, spectrally efficient modulation formats and radio-over-fibre distribution systems. He has published over 240 articles in internationally peer reviewed journals and conferences and is also a holder of 6 international patents, 2 of which have been licenced by industry. He is also a founder and a director of Pilot Photonics (a spin-off company). He is a senior member of the IEEE.

Funded Investigator Dublin City University DCU Dependable Networks Low Energy
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