Science Foundation Ireland

€3m funding for beyond-5G research at TSSG

CONNECT's Dr Alan Davy who will lead TERAPOD

CONNECT’s Alan Davy at TSSG in Waterford Institute of Technology is to lead a Europe-wide team charged with delivering a three year research programme known as TERAPOD. The project is funded by the EU and will prepare for the future of wireless technology beyond 5G.

TERAPOD will involve academics and industry leaders from Ireland, the UK, Spain, Portugal and Germany testing the feasibility of ultra-high bandwidth wireless access networks operating in the Terahertz (THz) band. This band is seen as the new frontier for wireless communications across the globe and the key to satisfying the increasing demand for higher speed wireless communication.

TSSG are project coordinators and will partner with Dell EMC as well as the University of Glasgow, University College London, the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and Bay Phonics in the UK. German partners include TU Braunschweig, Vivid Components and ACST. The sole Spanish partner is VLC Photonics and the multinational team also includes Inesc Tec from Portugal.

Dr Alan Davy said: “The European Commission funded 6 projects to look beyond 5G and this flagship initiative is un-rivalled. We will focus on concept deployment demonstration within a data centre. The project will bring THz communication a leap closer to industry uptake through leveraging recent advances in THz components, coupled with higher layer communication protocol specification.

“The saturation of wireless spectrum access is leading to innovations in areas such as spectrum resource usage. It is widely thought however that the low hanging fruits of innovation for wireless communication are all but exploited with only marginal gains possible. For a real step change towards the coveted 1Tbps wireless transmission, new areas of the spectrum must be used. That is what our TERAPOD project is all about.”

Acting Research Director at TSSG, Dr. Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, said Dr. Alan Davy, who is also the coordinator of the EU H2020 FETOpen project, CIRCLE, and his team at the TSSG do amazing work with practical, pragmatic global impact and value. “Alan’s vision of bringing Thz communication to the data centres will open new alternative communication networking technologies that can lead new breakthroughs. In particular, the science that will result from this project can lay the foundation for the use of Thz spectrum in B5G, where very high bandwidth will allow users to transfer and receive large contents at millisecond speed. This research is strategically important for the TSSG’s vision of a multi-disciplinary ICT research centre.”

CONNECT is the world leading Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Future Networks and Communications. CONNECT is funded under the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centres Programme and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund. We engage with over 35 companies including large multinationals, SMEs and start-ups. CONNECT brings together world-class expertise from ten Irish academic institutes to create a one-stop-shop for telecommunications research, development and innovation.

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