Dr Harun Šiljak, CONNECT Research Fellow at Trinity College Dublin, has been elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior member, an honour bestowed only to those who have made significant contributions to the profession.
Welcoming the news, Nicola Marchetti, Associate Prof. in Wireless Communications in Trinity, said:
“I’d like to congratulate Harun on his elevation to the rank of IEEE Senior Member, a thoroughly deserved accolade. I have been very lucky and privileged to work with Harun for the past three years, and have always appreciated and been inspired by his love for and commitment to engineering and science, and his positive and hard working attitude.
“Harun arrived in CONNECT Centre, Trinity College Dublin, in the summer of 2017 by winning an MCSA EDGE award, bringing in his expert knowledge in control theory and dynamical systems theory, and a wide set of interdisciplinary interests.
“Harun is presently bringing together the theoretical fundamentals of control theory and the applied nature of telecommunication networks emerging around large, distributed antenna arrays with their temporally and spatially
varying channel characteristics. The common thread of all his efforts is understanding the interplay of matter, energy and information in emergence.
“In parallel with his research on complexity and control, Harun has been tireless in his effort to bring these topics in the public eye and ear: from lectures for students and the public (European Researchers Night, Self-Organising Systems graduate course at Trinity College Dublin), over popular science articles on complexity, control and communications for major news outlets (Irish Radio Television, Forbes, Huffington Post), to science fiction (a short story collection published by Springer, and a forthcoming novel) revolving around topics of computation, complexity and control.”