Tyndall to host inaugural energy harvesting workshop

The inaugural PSMA International Energy Harvesting Workshop will take place at Tyndall National Institute in Cork from 29 to 31 May 2018.

Full details will be available on the workshop website (yet to launch).

There is an appetite both in the power sources industry and Internet of Things (IoT) industry to learn more about energy harvesting, understand its potential as well as its constraints in real-life applications. The need to replace batteries in ultra low-power IoT devices has become a major technical, cost and logistical issue that is significantly impeding the potential growth in this sector. This problem, however, presents a major opportunity for the power electronics community to develop and introduce a new generation of ultra low-power devices with some kind of embedded regeneration capability.

The EnerHarv international workshop will follow the very successful format used at the PSMA Energy Harvesting industry session, APEC 2017, but will be a two-day event to enable more depth and to engage with a broader audience providing participants with ample time to network, learn, form links and create opportunities to develop collaborative partnerships.

EnerHarv is targeted at a broad audience ranging from potential adopters of energy harvesting for IoT devices for specific applications (building management, medical technologies, assisted living, environmental, conditional monitoring of equipment, systems, power supplies) to industrial and academic developers of materials and devices (active and passive) to systems integrators and installers of IoT solutions.

All are welcome but it should be particularly suited to

  • People developing energy harvesting, storage, power management and system solutions (hardware, software, models) for ultra low-power IoT applications
  • System integrators and installers of IoT solutions and IoT supported systems
  • Industrial and academic developers of materials and devices (active and passive), help them understand what type of materials/parts they need to be developing to meet application needs
  • Potential adopters of energy harvesting for self-powering of ultra-low power data gathering IoT devices for various applications (building management, med tech, assisted living, environmental, conditional monitoring of equipment, systems, power supplies)
  • Anyone interested in eliminating need of battery/storage device replacement in low power devices.
  • People interested to what extent energy harvesting has developed and where it can and will be used.
  • Developers and integrators of solutions for other applications and technologies that could potentially be mapped to IoT applications.