Prince Anandarajah

Dr Prince Anandarajah received the BEng (Electronic Engineering) degree from University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 1992.

Subsequently, he worked as an Instructor/Maintenance Engineer at the Nigerian College of Aviation Technology. He came to Ireland where he completed a MEng (1998) at DCU and then joined the Radio and Optical Communications Group also at DCU where he obtained his PhD degree (2003). He then worked as a research fellow and research officer until 2007 when he was appointed a senior research fellow. He is currently a lecturer in the School of Electronic Engineering at DCU, a principal investigator for Science Foundation Ireland and Enterprise Ireland, and a director of the Photonics Systems and Sensing Laboratory (PSSL).

His main research interests include elastic optical networks, photonic sensing, spectrally efficient modulation formats and radio-over-fibre distribution systems. He has published over 240 articles in internationally peer reviewed journals and conferences and is also a holder of 6 international patents, 2 of which have been licenced by industry. He is also a founder and a director of Pilot Photonics (a spin-off company). He is a senior member of the IEEE.