James Rohan

Dr James Rohan is a CONNECT Funded Investigator in Tyndall National Institute.

He has over 25 years of experience in research and development-based projects and established the Electrochemical Materials and Energy research group at Tyndall. Prior to that he was a senior scientist at EIC Laboratories in the US working on lithium ion batteries for EVs.

He has been lead or co-PI on over 75 medium to large-scale research programmes. This research has attracted in excess of €10 million in research revenue to date. His research interests include electrochemical materials processing and device fabrication for micro/nanoelectronics, energy storage and sensor applications. A recent focus has been on the templated deposition of nanomaterials for Energy and ICT applications. He is PI on an SFI investigators project, ‘Nanomaterials design and fabrication for Energy Storage’ (2013-2017).

He was Organiser and Chair of the International symposium, ‘Electrodeposition for Micro-and Nano-Battery Materials’, at the 225th Electrochemical Society Meeting in Orlando, May 2014. He has given Invited presentations on the theme of energy storage at the American Chemical Society, San Diego (2012); Electrochemical Society, Boston (2011); and ESSDERC, Helsinki, (2011). He has published more than 40 journal papers, 80+ conference presentations, 4 book chapters, 7 patents and has edited 2 conference transactions volumes and 1 special issue.