Science Foundation Ireland

IEEE Distinguished Lecturers

Two CONNECT investigators have been announced as IEEE Distinguished Lecturers for 2018.

Professor Liam Barry, CONNECT Funded Investigator at Dublin City University, will be a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Photonics Society. Liam’s topic is ‘Advanced optical sources for spectrally efficient photonic systems’. Read a full abstract below.

Dr Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, CONNECT Funded Investigator at TSSG in Waterford Institute of Technology, will be a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Nanotechnology Council.

Congratulating Sasi and Liam, Professor Luiz DaSilva, Director of CONNECT, said: “The IEEE Distinguished Lecturer program can bring fantastic visibility to one’s research, and is a great opportunity to reach new audiences around the world. Congratulations to Liam and Sasi!”

Liam Barry: Advanced optical sources for spectrally efficient photonic systems
The continuing growth in demand for bandwidth (from residential and business users), necessitates significant research into new advanced technologies that will be employed in future broadband communication systems. Two specific technologies which are becoming increasingly important for future photonic systems are wavelength tunable lasers and optical frequency combs. Although these topics have been studied for over two decades their significance for the development of future ultra-high capacity photonic systems has only recently been fully understood. Wavelength tunable lasers are currently becoming the norm in optical communication systems because of their flexibility and ability to work on any wavelength. However, as their operating principles are different to standard single mode lasers they can effect how future systems will operate. For example as optical transmission systems move towards more coherent transmission (where the data is carried using both the intensity and phase of the optical carrier), the phase noise in these tunable lasers will become increasingly important. Optical frequency combs also have many applications for future photonics systems, and for telecommunications they can be used to obtain the highest spectral efficiency in optical transmission systems by employing the technology of optical frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) that has been widely employed to increase spectral efficiency in wireless systems. Wavelength tunable lasers and optical frequency combs are thus topics at the leading edge of current photonics systems research, and their detailed understanding promises new applications in all-optical signal processing, optical sensing and metrology, and specifically telecommunications. This talk will focus on the development and characterization of various wavelength tunable lasers and optical frequency combs, and then outline how these sources can be employed for developing optical transmission systems and networks which make the best use of available optical spectrum.

Sasitharan Balasubramaniam
Dr Balasubramaniam’s talk titles are:

  1. Wireless Optogenetics Nano Communications and Networking
  2. Engineering Bacterial Molecular Communication Systems
  3. Calcium-signaling based Molecular Communication Systems

CONNECT is the world leading Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Future Networks and Communications. CONNECT is funded under the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centres Programme and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund. We engage with over 35 companies including large multinationals, SMEs and start-ups. CONNECT brings together world-class expertise from ten Irish academic institutes to create a one-stop-shop for telecommunications research, development and innovation.

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